How To Prepare Your Vacation Rental For Valentines Day

 In Travel, Villa Pura Vida

Valentines Day Package

February 14th is only 4 days away! Valentine’s Day is the perfect time for a short getaway. Here are some ways that owners can prepare their rental for Valentine’s Day

  1. Offer a Valentine’s Day Package – bottle of champagne, chocolates, restaurant gift certificate, rose petals for the bedroom, bath, or draw a heart with them.
  2. Email Newsletter – Send out an email advertising what your specials are for Valentine’s Day
  3. Welcome Gift – for a welcome gift, get a card and write happy valentine’s day and get a box of chocolates.
  4. Candles – buy some candles and place them in the bedroom and bathroom. And leave a cute note reminding the guests to blow them out before they go to sleep!

When you are all done with the days adventure, head home to soak in the Jacuzzi.


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